Thursday, June 16, 2011

Full Blanket Jacket (posted 2/20/2009)

As Katy rapidly approaches her second birthday, her vocabulary has pretty much exploded.  She now adds words at a rate I can't keep up with.  Sometimes she even does the random conversation with herself that is full of gibberish, or sings a song that I can't understand (think Boo in "Monsters, Inc." when she sings to herself in the men's room while Sully waits for her).

I recently had a conversation with my mom over Katy's newfound obsession with blankets.  I have noticed that in the last week or two, Katy is insistent on having not just one, but multiple blankets with her.  If there is only one, she'll ask, "Wheh ah bonket? Kee get."  That translates to, "Where's the other blanket?  Katy will get it," and she takes off running to retrieve another one from her room.  Sometimes we play peek-a-boo with them.  Her daddy likes to build tunnels for her with them, and they play tent with them.  And sometimes she wraps it around herself and walks around like a little Yoda, except cuter. 

My poor mom can't distinguish between Katy's pronunciations of "jacket" and "blanket," which gives me a little laugh because I consider them quite different.  She tried to explain to me how she determines the difference based on Katy's action at the time.  I guess Katy is saying that her blanket is her jacket when she wraps it around herself.  I'm actually more impressed that when I ask Katy to put her jacket on, she actually gets her hands into the right arm holes if I hold the jacket up for her.

My little chatterbox is also picking up people's names much more quickly now.  And she's getting good at using magic words, please and thank you.  She actually insisted on having apple with the skin left on the other day, which amazingly led to no diaper issues.  Along with getting into more mischief, she's turning into a big kid before my eyes.  But thankfully, she is still a major Mama's Girl, and I'm still loving that.  All I have to do is look at her funny and she'll bust out laughing.  Oh, if only this stage could last...

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