Sunday, January 23, 2011

Born to Run (posted 1/7/2008)

My little Katy Rose is just born to move.  I know I keep saying things like, "She'll be crawling by next week," and "She will be an early walker," but I just can't help but assume these things when it seems she leaps through a few milestones within a span of a few days.

I did think she would be crawling, any minute, for about two months.  She is now pretty close to being an expert at crawling.  I don't consider her quite expert yet, because she still has not mastered crawling over my ankle when I'm sitting on the floor with her and she decides to mount an exploration of whatever is around us.  But she just keeps trying until she makes it, or she changes direction, or I help her.  Honestly, I was starting to think she would just skip crawling and go straight to running for a while there.  But no, now she crawls with the best of them. 

She's also pretty damn smart, which is pretty obvious because she is, after all, my daughter. (Sorry, it's kinda mandatory to say things like that when you're a mom.)  A few times she crawled somewhere she wasn't supposed to be, like toward the garbage can in the kitchen.  So I would say, "No-no, Katy, that's not for you," and scoop her up.  She thought that was pretty fun, and now she takes off speed-crawling toward prohibited destinations.  She doesn't even let me know she's going, probably because she knows I'm paying attention to what she's doing and wants to see how far she can get before I catch her.  The game is pretty fun to her, she is grinning ear-to-ear as soon as she knows I'm coming to get her.

She's already mastered the art of walking while holding onto someone's hands.  And she's so tall, I barely have to lean down to help her walk around.  Actually, it's more of a power-walking that she does.  Her mind is way ahead of her body, and she seems to have the need for speed.  If she had the coordination, we'd be jogging. 

Saturday night, we were playing in her little prison yard in the living room.  I bought the Superyard, which is this great little fence thing that has six panels with three gate-like openings, so you can configure your little structure in different shapes.  It takes up about the size of a love seat sofa, which is why our love seat currently resides in Katy's bedroom.  This enclosure now houses two toy baskets and one book basket, and has a floor made up of the old Winnie the Pooh comforter from my college days.  After insisting on finding something else to call it besides "Katy's little prison," we finally settled on "the Katy Zone." 

Anyhoo, where was I?  Oh yes, Katy and I were in the Katy Zone Saturday night.  We were reading books and playing with toys.  Then she decided she wanted to stand up.  She has just started figuring out how to cruise.  (For those not versed in baby development terminology, cruising is when they move around, standing, by holding onto furniture to keep their balance.)  So she reached for my hands and pulled herself up, and I let her go and got ready to catch her.  But she didn't fall!  She stood there, balancing on her own two feet!!  Both of us were so surprised, we started to laugh.  She lost her balance and I made sure she had a safe landing.  We tried it again, and again, and if you had heard all this squealing and laughing you'd have probably thought something funny was actually happening.  It must have been such a thrill for her.

So here we are, at 10 months old yesterday, cruising and standing, and I swear, she'll be walking before she's 11 months old.  Thank goodness the Christmas tree is put away.  The Intellitainer now has a spot to sit that's a little out of the way, which is really good.  As soon as she gets this walking thing down, the Intellitainer will be old news!!

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