Saturday, January 22, 2011

Busy as a Honey Bee (posted 1/10/2007)

As the due date gets closer and my belly gets larger, I've noticed a fundamental change in the time-space continuum.  No really, an hour doesn't mean what it used to, and I'm sure someone tinkered with the number of days they're putting in the weeks lately.  It's probably my secret villain just trying to mess with me some more.  At any rate, life has gotten incredibly busy lately!  Normally there's that letdown after the holidays where we clean up and put away, and things look empty for a little while as January happens.  But this year, I was ready to step on the gas and get moving, because I have more to do this January than any previous one in my life.
Before I go into detail, a lightning-fast tangent: there is absolute truth to the rumor of "pregnancy brain drain."  I personally am experiencing it right this minute as I try to remember what the heck I was going to write a second ago.
So as I was saying, the business of keeping a calendar has become incredibly important.  As it is, I can't keep up with the ups and downs of Mike's work schedule, and now all of a sudden we're supposed to go to the OB every 2 weeks instead of monthly.  Plus we've got childbirth classes, a consultation with a pediatrician, and of course my dental cleaning appointment.  I think somewhere in between I'm supposed to fit in a few more things, like going to work, preparing the nursery, and eating.  Not to mention this insane urge I have to sleep at any possible opportunity.
As nutty as it seems, though, I am enjoying this.  It is really fun to pick out paint colors, especially when they have Disney colors in Behr paint.  Since the nursery will be Classic Pooh-themed, it was pretty easy to choose what I wanted.  The walls will be Pooh Bear Yellow and the furniture will be Eeyore with New Day Dew trim.  If I had a fairy godmother, she would bring me a beautiful sage green armchair glider with ottoman.  But since I don't, I'm hoping for some other miracle to help me get it from Babies R Us.  Then the yellows, greens, and blues will balance out all the cute pink stuff that the baby will get (and got already!).  People just love buying pink, girly things for baby girls.  Lucky for me I like pink too!  Just not pink furniture.
As we count down the weeks (there are 9 left including this one), I am starting to feel a little freaked out.  I wonder if it's all going to get done before she's here... what if she comes early?  In the meantime I'm trying to enjoy the little things... here's a short list:
-- Monday (1/8/07) I witnessed the first belly morph.  I felt her about to move and I looked down and saw my belly roll, like a wave, from one side to the other.  People told me this would happen, but I had to see it to believe it.
-- Today was the first time I noticed she had the hiccups.  Crazy but true!
-- Last Friday (1/5/07) the doctor said my belly measurement was right on target.  He also said the baby weighs about 3 pounds.  How cool is that?
-- Sometimes if I gently push on an area of the belly, she pushes back.  She also sometimes reacts to sudden sounds or bright lights.  It's amazing how much interaction you can have before they are even born!
She still doesn't like to act up when Mike is near... I bet she'll be a Daddy's Girl.  I just hope she likes Pooh bear as much as her mommy does!

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