Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Friend, Chai (posted 9/28/2006)

I think chai is the best thing ever.

A coffee drinker since age 15, I was really thrown for a loop when I suddenly stopped wanting to drink it at 4 or 5 weeks pregnant.  We were on vacation in Oregon and Mike made some coffee, and I took about 2 sips of mine and let it get cold.  I had already begun limiting my caffeine intake, but it was really bizarre when I realized I had no desire to drink coffee anymore.

Back in the real world, where I wake up at 4:30am for work, there are some days I just need a little caffeine.  Particularly on those days that I also work my second job, when I don't get home until 11:30pm.  Yesterday was one of those days, but I stuck with a diet coke at lunch and a couple of squares of dark chocolate (yummm) as my only caffeine. 

***TANGENT ALERT***  Luckily I had the bejesus scared out of me last night, which kept me quite alert for the rest of my shift.  I was sitting on a small stepstool, pulling DVDs out of the drop box.  As I was opening and closing the cases to make sure the right discs were in there, I noticed something in my peripheral vision.  I glanced to the floor and saw a 2" scorpion quickly crawling toward me.  I let out a scream and moved faster than you've ever seen a pregnant lady move.  Too bad I can't watch the surveillance tape, as I'm sure it was hilarious.  The critter got within a foot of my shoe before I leapt out of there.  My manager is a rock star, and he was able to use various materials over several attempts to kill and dispose of the pieces of the scorpion.  ~heebie-jeebie~ I've been here for 7 years.  That's the first live scorpion I have encountered since I moved to the desert.  It's a fact, I'm a total wimp.  I love the little geckos that like to hang out above my front door, but when it comes to spiders and scorpions, forget it. 

Which brings me back to why I love chai. 

Right now there is nothing better than a grande nonfat chai tea latte from Starbucks.  It's so good it feels illegal.  Add to it a nice blueberry scone and I'm in a FANTASTIC mood for the day.  Well, for at least 6 hours.  Chai makes my insides all warm and fuzzy, and my taste buds all jump for joy.  The only thing that could make my chai even better is if I could get it sugar-free.  [Note: They have sugar-free chai at the Willow House on 3rd Ave., but unfortunately it comes with lumps (they use a powder).  I haven't tried theirs hot, but two iced chais with lumps has discouraged me from trying it hot.]

Thank goodness my Starbucks is within walking distance of my office.  I don't know what I would do without my friend, chai.

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