Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Top 10 Things I've Learned About Being Pregnant...So Far (posted 11/12/2006)

10. The 2nd trimester really is the "honeymoon" of the pregnancy.  Compared to many women I think I had it fairly easy during the 1st trimester, but now I can say that most days I feel really good.

9. People in general are extra nice to pregnant women.  This is good because sometimes I really need that boost on those days when I'm not feeling so great.

8. Parties are a great idea!  (See #9.)  So far I've been to a wedding shower, a baby shower, a housewarming party, and a wedding reception/after-party since I started to show.  It's not that my friends aren't already great, but I've had even more fun being the pregnant girl at the party. 

7. You have to learn to chill out.  I actually caught a cold (my 3rd of the pregnancy) as a result of the stress of fighting with my mom.  Seriously, this is according to my doctor.  (Don't worry, we made up and I recovered.)

6. Sometimes you just get hungry and you don't know why.  I guess most people already know this one, as they also tend to remind me that I'm "eating for two."  As a person that loves to eat, this is good and bad.  Good because I don't get scrutinized or questioned for ordering or eating extra yummy food.  Bad because apparently "eating for two" really means adding just an extra 300 calories a day, which really isn't much.

5. Feeling the baby move is crazy but really cool.  As I type she is practicing her Tae-Bo moves on my bladder.  Sometimes it feels like she's doing lopsided somersaults with her elbows sticking out.  Right now I love it because it makes me think everything's okay in there if she's moving around.  Plus, each time I feel her it's more evidence that there really is a baby in there! 

4. There's just not enough water.  I have never been thirstier in my life than I have since I've been pregnant.  But it's difficult because if I drink too much water in the evening, I'll wake up more times during the night to go to the bathroom.  You just can't win.

3. Body pillows rock.  I finally fished mine out of the closet that hasn't really been in use since college.  It's the only way to sleep!  I used to love sleeping on my stomach, and now if I tried to do that it would be like trying to sleep on a soccer ball.  With the body pillow, at least I can sort of lean on it instead of having all my weight on my hip.

2. The bigger I get, the more difficult simple things become.  Last night we went to an ASU football game.  Climbing up to the stadium, and then up to our seats was a real chore for me.  I even used the hand railings, which I normally avoid (sometimes I'm a bit germophobic).  But I made it, and watched the Sun Devils win big for a change.  I haven't been exercising much, but at least I'm doing prenatal yoga (which is both a challenge and a treat).

1. Pregnancy is so cool.  I know I've already probably said this, but the more things progress, the more real it seems.  I never imagined some of the wacked-out things that happen to a body during pregnancy, but I'm really happy to be going through this.  I can hardly wait for what I pray will be our happy ending: a healthy, happy little girl.

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